VHCS in its endeavour to realize its vision and mission upholds the cooperatives’ values based in its by-law of self-help, mutual responsibility, equality and equity. In addition, the society holds the following values:-
i) Transparency and Accountability:
The Society endeavours to ensure honesty and transparency at all times when dealing with its stakeholders. The internal stakeholders are also expected to be sincere, honest and transparent in their dealings with the Society. The Society is accountable to its members, the government and other stakeholders. It ensures that the culture of accountability is embodied in its internal stakeholders both individually and collectively.
ii) Honesty:
The success of the society in pursuit of its mission will be based on honesty in dealing with all stakeholders. The society will connote and virtuous attributes that will be straightforward in the provision of products and services to members. Both members and staff will practice honesty at all time for the stability and growth of the society. The services from the society shall be free from deceit, truthful and sincere for the benefits of all stakeholders.
iii) Equality and Equity:
There will be equality and equity in treatment of members. Equity and equality are two strategies that the society will use in an effort to produce fairness to all stakeholders especially members. The society will provide a platform to every member to realize his/her dream in the society by providing equal treatment. The society aims to promote fairness by making sure that everyone starts from the same place and needs the same help. By doing this, the society aims to promote fairness and justice to all members thus contributing to stability and growth of the society. The society will continuously recognize and respond to differences in needs of the membership.
iv) Integrity:
The Society upholds a high degree of consistency in honesty, moral uprightness and truthfulness in serving its members and other stakeholders.
The acronym ‘TAHEEI’ was adapted to aid in remembering the core values where:
TA– Transparency and Accountability
H – Honesty
EE – Equality and Equity
I – Integrity